Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Glossary of Austrian food & drink words

Note: in German adjectives and nouns take endings dependent on gender and case.  Hence "pochiert" might come out as "pochiertes" or "pochierten" or "pochierte" ... and so on.  This doesn't change the meaning.


Means of cooking
Backen Bake
Braten Fry
Gebacken Deep fried (usually in breadcrumbs)
Gebraten Roast
Gedämpft Steamed
Gedünstet Steamed
Gefüllt Stuffed
Gegrillt Grilled
Gekocht Boiled
Geräuchert Smoked
Geröstet Scrambled
Geschmort Stewed
Kochen Cook / boil
Paniert Deep fried (=gebacken)
Pochiert Poached

Styles of cooking / miscellaneous
Auflauf A dish finished in the oven, usually with pre-cooked elements, such as a gratin.  A lasagne or moussaka would be (non-Austrian) forms of Auflauf.  Can also be sweet (e.g. Scheiterhaufen)
Aufstrich Spread or paste (to put on bread)
Bauern- Farmer's... - usually simply cooked
Bio Organic
Frikadelle Rissole
Glasur Icing
Gulasch Hungarian style stew, usually with beef, but also other meats or even vegetarian, flavoured with paprika, with a strong flavour
Kärntner ... A dish from Carinthia
Kürbiskernöl Pumpkin seed oil - a speciality from Styria, very good for salads
Müllerin-Art Usually applied to trout, the fish is fried till crispy and then served with foaming butter flavoured with lemon.  Almost identical to "meurnière"
Öl Oil
Olivenöl Olive oil
Rapsenöl Rape seed oil
Riesen Giant
Roulade Roulade
Sandwich tends to refer to an open sandwich, a concept which seems to entirely miss the Earl of Sanwich’s point
Schaum Foam
Schinkenkäsetoast Croque-monsieur (ham and cheese toasted sandwich)
Steirischer ... A dish from Styria

Ei Egg
Eier Eggs
Eier im Glas Boiled eggs with shell completely removed, served in a (glass) bowl
Eierspeis(e) Scrambled Egg
Gekochtes Ei Boiled Egg
Joghurt Yoghurt
Käse Cheese
Liptauer Cheese paste to spread on bread, flavoured with caraway seed
Milch Milk
Rahm Cream
Rührei German word for Eierspeis
Sahne German word for Schlagobers
Schlagobers Cream (on menu usually whipped cream)
Schafkäse Sheep cheese
Spiegelei Fried Egg
Ziegenkäse Goat’s cheese

Bread and grain
Brot Bread
Blätterteig Puff pastry
Brezel Pretzel
Bröseln (Bread) crumbs
Buchweizen Buck wheat
Dinkel Spelt (an ancient type of wheat)
Gebäck Miscellaneous roll or bread portion
Germ Yeast
Gerste Barley
Grieß Semolina
Hafer Oats
Hefe German word for Germ
Hirse Millet
Kipferl A type of croissant (not exactly like the French version, but still crescent shaped)
Kornspitz / Kornstangerl Dark bread roll in long form
Lange Semmel Long roll (with a slit down the middle lengthways)
Laugengebäck Very soft, yeasty, white flour roll, either in pretzel form or in Stangerl (long) form, brown on the outside
Roggen Rye
Salzstangerl Salted bread roll
Semmel Roll (round, with characteristic 6-petal pattern)
Semmelbröseln Bread crumbs
Teig Dough / pastry
Vollkornbrot Wholemeal bread
Weckerl Roll usually with whole seeds in, made with a heavier dough
Weizen Wheat

Meat and meat dishes
Altwiener Backfleisch Like a Wiener Schnitzel (escalope fried in breadcrumbs), but made (usually) with beef and flavoured with mustard and horseradish
Backhuhn / Backhendl Deep fried chicken pieces
Beinschinken Juicy cut of ham from the leg
Beiried Cut of beef, roughly equivalent to rib (the piece next to the sirloin)
Brathuhn Roast chicken
Cevapcici Roast or grilled sausage-shaped Hungarian meatballs
Cordon bleu Like a Wiener Schnitzel (escalope fried in breadcrumbs), but with a slice of ham and a slice of cheese inside on top of the meat.  Usually pork but can be veal also
Ente Duck
Ersterhazy-Rostbraten Similar to Girardi-Rostbraten, but with carrots, celeriac or other root vegetables instead of mushrooms
Fasan Pheasant
Faschierte Laibchen Mince rissole, like a burger (=Frikadelle)
Faschiertes Mince (minced meat)
Fleisch Meat
Gans Goose
Geflügel Poultry
Gefüllte Kalbsbrust Stuffed breast of veal
Geschnetzeltes Thinly sliced strips of pork fillet
Geselchtes Gammon
Girardi-Rostbraten A 'Rostbraten' - see below - with mushrooms, onions and capers, in a sour cream sauce
Grammel Small bacon pieces
Grammelknödel Dumpling filled with "Grammeln" - small pieces of bacon
Hase Hare (often used to refer to rabbit also)
Hendl Chicken
Hirsch Stag (venison)
Huhn Chicken
Jungschwein Young pig
Kalb Veal
Kalbsnierenbraten A piece of very fine roast veal, from the area near the kidneys, but not actually involving the kidneys themselves
Kalbsvögerl Sliced leg of veal
Kaninchen Rabbit
Kapaun Capon (a castrated cock (male chicken), which is grown for plumpness and flavour)
Käse Cheese
Kitz Kid (young goat)
Krenfleisch Boiled pork from Styria with horseradish (=Steirisches Wurzelfleisch)
Kuh Cow
Kümmelbraten Roast pork with caraway seed
Lamm Lamb
Lungenbraten Roast tenderloin
Masthahn The same as Kapaun (capon)
Medaillons Medallions
Milch Milk
Naturschnitzel Plain fried escalope
Pariser Schnitzel Fried egged escalope
Pökölt Another Hungarian dish very similar to Gulash
Poullarde Poulard (a spayed hen, ie a fattened hen, which is prevented from reaching sexual maturity, generally a French speciality; the female equivalent of a capon (German: Kapaun))
Pute Turkey (female)
Rebhuhn Partridge
Reh Venison
Rindfleisch Beef
Rostbraten Slices of sirloin or rib of beef, fried or stewed, with a thick gravy
Saftgulasch, Wiener Same as beef gulasch
Saumaisen Boiled smoked pork rissoles (a Wachau speciality)
Schaf Sheep
Schafkäse Sheep's cheese
Schinken Ham
Schnecken Snails
Schnitzel Escalope
Schwein Pork
Schweinsbraten Roast pork
Spanferkel Piglet roast whole
Speck Smoked ham or bacon (but not like English or American bacon)
Steirisches Wurzelfleisch Boiled pork from Styria with horseradish (=Krenfleisch)
Stephanie-Braten Meat loaf with boiled egg and gherkins in it
Stockente Mallard
Sulz Brawn
Szegediner-Gulasch Gulash with cabbage and cream
Tafelspitz Traditional Viennese dish: best cut of beef, boiled in soup (usually served as part of the meal before the meat), with a traditional accompaniment of rösti potatoes, apple horseradish sauce and creamy chives sauce
Tiroler Gröstel Scrambled potatoes and beef, rather like Blunzen Gröstl, but with beef instead of black pudding.  From the Tyrol.
Truthahn Turkey (male)
Vanillerostbraten A 'Rostbraten' - see above - not flavoured with vanilla, an unlikely candidate to go with beef, but rather flavoured with "poor man's vanilla", in other words garlic - the term comes from a period in which vanilla pods were unaffordable to most people, and garlic was considered an alternative cheaper flavouring, strange as this may seem.  As far as I know there is no such things as "poor man's vanilla custard"!
Wachtl Quail
Weinbergschnecken Snails
Wiener Schnitzel (vom Kalb / vom Schwein)
Fried breaded escalope (made with veal / pork)
Wild Game
Wildschwein Wild boar
Ziege Goat
Ziegenkäse Goat's cheese
Zigeunerrostbraten A 'Rostbraten' - see above - with a spicy 'ratatouille'-like sauce
Zwiebelrostbraten Slices of sirloin or rib of beef, fried or stewed with a rich onion sauce

Innereien Offal (variety meats)
Beuschel Heart and lungs (see Kalbsbeuschel)
Blunzen Black (blood) pudding
Blunzeng'röstl Black pudding scrambled with potatoes
Bries Sweetbreads
Bruckfleisch Stewed cut of the thoracic diaphragm of beef (Kronfleisch), which includes offal parts such as sweetbreads (thymus gland): a Viennese speciality, but hard to find these days
Gänseleber Goose liver or (but the geese are not reared in the unpleasant French manner for proper "foie gras"
Hirn Brains, usually served deep-fried in breadcrumbs (which I would recommend) or scrambled
Kalbsbeuschel Austrian speciality: finely sliced veal heart and lungs in a delicious piquant creamy sauce, usually served with a dumpling
Kalbskopf Tete de Veau (calves head)
Kronfleisch A cut of meat seemingly unique to central Europe, which is anatomically the thoracic diaphragm of beef (in German Zwerchfell), used for Bruckfleisch in Vienna
Kutteln Tripe
Leber Liver
Mark Marrow bone
Milz Spleen
Nieren Kidneys
Nierndln (Small) kidneys
Ochsenmaul Meat from an ox mouth, often in salad or brawn (Sulz)
Ochsenschlepp Oxtail
Zunge Tongue

Parts of body (meat/fish)
Brust Breast
Gräte Fish bone
Karree Roasting joint of meat
Keule Leg (=Schlegel, Schlögel)
Knochen Bone (meat)
Kotolett Cutlet
Rücken Back
Scheiben Slices
Schlegel Leg (=Schlögel, Keule)
Schlögel Leg (=Schlegel, Keule)
Schulter Shoulder
Schwanz Tail
Stelze Pork leg, usually served boiled and then roast

Beilagen and Soup
Beilagen Side dishes

Bandnudeln Wide tagliatelle, served as accompaniment to meat
Erdäpfelknödel A dumpling, like a Semmelknödel, but made with potato
Erdäpfelschmarren Rösti
Frittatensuppe Common Austrian soup: Beef consomme served with sliced pancake
Geröstete Knödel mit Ei Scrambled bread dumpling with egg, an old simple Viennese dish
Gulaschsuppe A gulash with less meat and a lot more juice, making it a soup
Knödel Dumpling
Leberknödelsuppe Beef consomme served with liver dumpling
Letscho Rice with tomatoes and peppers
Milzschnitten Spleen on toast, for putting in consomme
Nudeln Noodles
Pastete Paté
Puffer Flat dumplings or blinis
Reis Rice
Schmalz Dripping
Semmelknödel Bread dumpling (round)
Serviettenknödel Bread dumpling (slices)
Spätzle Very small dumplings of flour, egg and milk, boiled and then turned in melted butter.  Served with stews and ragouts.
Suppe Soup
Tascherl "Small pocket", filled pastry or dumpling
Waldviertler Knödel A regional type of potato dumpling

Salad and vegetables
Gemüse Vegetables
Artischocken Artichokes
Bärlauch A type of wild garlic
Bohnen Beans
Braterdäpfeln Fried potatoes
Brennesseln Stinging nettles
Champignon Mushrooms (not wild)
Eierschwammerl Chanterelle (wild) mushrooms
Erbsen Peas
Erdapfel Potato
Erdäpfelsalat Potato salad, NOT made with mayonnaise, but with a rich dressing, traditionally served with Wiener Schnitzel amongst others
Fenchel Fennel
Fisolen Haricots verts
Gurke Cucumber (or pickled gherkin)
Kapern Capers
Karfiol Cauliflower
Karrotten Carrots
Kartoffeln German word for Erdäpfeln
Kichererbsen Chick peas
Knoblauch Garlic
Kohlsprossen Brussels sprouts
Kraut Cabbage
Krautstrudel Cabbage strudel
Kürbis Pumpkin / squash
Lauch German word for Porree
Linsen Lentils
Mangold Chard
Melanzani Aubergine
Morcheln Morels
Paprika Peppers (ie red or green, the vegetable) - also means paprika!
Paradeiser Tomatoes
Pasternake Parsnip
Pfefferoni Chillies (usually pickled and mild) NB: not a type of salami
Pilze Wild mushrooms
Porree Leek
Risipisi Buttered rice with peas
Rote Rübe Beetroot
Rotkraut Red cabbage
Rucola Rocket
Salat Salad or lettuce (there is no separate word for lettuce)
Schalotten Shallots
Sellerie Celeriac
Spargel Asparagus
Spinat Spinach
Stangensellerie Celery
Steinpilze Cep (boletus) (wild) mushrooms
Tomaten German word for Paradeiser
Topinambur Jerusalem artichoke
Vogerlsalat Lamb's lettuce, corn salad
Zucchini Courgette
Zwiebel Onion

Apfelkren Apple sauce with horseradish
Dillsauce A white sauce favoured with dill
Oberskren Cream sauce with horseradish, can be either cold or hot
Rahmsauce Cream sauce
Schnittlauchsauce A white sauce favoured with chives
Semmelkren Bread sauce with horseradish

Augsburger Fried pork sausage, served cut in half long ways
Berner Würstel Frankfurters with cheese in wrapped in bacon
Bratwürst(el) Type of fried sausage
Debreziner Type of spicy thin sausage made with paprika
Käsekrainer Type of thick sausage with lumps of cheese inside
Leberkäse A slice of hot processed sausage meat, similar to Extrawurst, usually served at sausage kiosks (Wurstelständer)
Waldviertler Large Bratwurst
Weißwurst White sausage
Würstel Sausage

Fish (many of these you are unlikely to see in Vienna, but for completeness sake...)
Fisch Fish
Meeresfrucht Sea food
Schalentier Shellfish
Süßwasserfisch Freshwater fish

Aal Eel
Austern Oysters
Brasse Bream
Conger Conger, conger eel
Crevetten Shrimps
Deutscher Kaviar Lumpfish roe
Dornhai Huss, rock (rock salmon), dogfish
Dorsch Technically the whole family of cod, hake, haddock, coley etc, but in practice likely to refer to young cod or codling
Dorschrogen Cods' roe
Flunder Flounder
Flussbarsch Perch
Flusskrebs Crayfish, langoustine
Fogosch Pike perch, a type of fresh water fish, very good (=Zander)
Forelle Trout
Garnele Prawn
Glattbutt Brill
Goldbrasse Gilt-headed bream
Haifisch Shark
Hecht Pike
Hechtdorsch Hake (=Seehecht, Meerhecht)
Heilbutt Halibut
Hering Herring
Heringsrogen Soft roes, herring roe
Herzmuschel Cockle
Hummer Lobster
Jakobsmuscheln Scallops
Kabeljau Cod
Kaisergranat Scampi
Karpfen Carp
Kaviar Caviar
Knurrhahn Gurnard, sea robin
Köhler, Kohlfisch Coley
Krebs Crab
Lachs Salmon
Lachsforelle Salmon trout
Makrele Mackerel
Marline Marlin
Matjes(hering) Pickled herring
Meerbrasse Sea bream
Meerhecht Hake (=Seehecht, Hechtdorsch)
Miesmuschel Mussel
Muschel Clam, mussel, cockle etc
Oktopus Octopus
Pollack Pollack (=Steinköhler, Kalmück)
Reinanke A member of the salmon family (Coregonus Linnaeus), most of types of which are endangered and are therefore a protective species, so shouldn’t be on the menu!
Rochen Skate
Rotbarbe Red mullet (see also Streifenbarbe)
Roter Schnapper Red Snapper
Rotzunge Lemon sole
Saibling A type of central European fresh water fish, not to be found in the UK, moderately good fish, not as good as Zander
Sankt Petersfisch John Dory
Sardellen Anchovies
Sardinen Sardines, pilchards
Schellfisch Haddock, but might be used to refer to hake
Scholle Plaice
Schwertfisch Swordfish
Seebrasse Pomfret (=Goldkopf)
Seehase Lumpfish
Seehecht Hake (=Meerhecht, Hechtdorsch)
Seeteufel Monkfish
Seezunge Dover sole
Sepia Cuttlefish
Sprotten Sprats
Steinbutt Turbot
Steinköhler Pollack (=Pollack, Kalmück)
Streifenbarbe Red mullet (=Rotbarbe - or technically refers to one of two more or less indistinguishable fish of the same family, both of which are known in English as red mullet, the other being Rotbarbe)
Thunfisch Tuna, tunny
Tintenfish Squid (or cuttlefish)
Wellhornschnecke, Welk Whelk
Wels, Waller Wels catfish or sheatfish, a large, rather dull central European fresh water fish
Wittling, Weißling Whiting
Wolfsbarsch Sea bass
Zander Pike perch, a type of fresh water fish, very good (=Fogosch)

Puddings and cakes
Mehlspeise / Nachspeise Dessert

Torte Cake
Apfelstrudel Apple strudel (filo pastry filled)
Blätterteig Puff pastry
Eis Ice / Ice cream
Gebackener Mäuse "Fried Mice" - actually a vanilla flavoured biscuit
Germknödel Large yeast dumpling filled with "Powidl" (bitter Czech-style plum jam) and covered in icing sugar, poppy seed and melted butter, served hot (can also be with vanilla sauce)
Gugelhupf Traditional simple cake with a hole in the middle
Kaiserschmarren mit Zwetschkenröster
Broken pancakes served with stewed plums
Kastanienreis Chestnut "spaghetti", served with whipped cream
Krapfen Donuts
Kuchen Cakes
Lebkuchen Traditional biscuits
Linzertorte A cake with a lattice pastry design on top.  Base and covering are made from a hazelnut dough, flavoured with vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and lemon, and has a jam filling, generally redcurrant jam, or sometimes cranberry jam, occasionally other flavours
Malakofftorte Layered cake of trifle biscuits, almond cream and apricot jam, tho can come in variations which might (inauthentically) include chocolate
Marillenknödel Apricot dumpling, usually served with fried breadcrumbs and icing sugar
Milchrahmstrudel “Milk-cream strudel”, a somewhat difficult to describe pudding made with a soft dough and filled with a creamy mixture containing curd cheese (Topfen), raisins, vanilla, milk-soaked bread and cream.  Usually served with vanilla sauce and can be eaten hot or cold (like Topfenstrudel which is not dissimilar)
Mohr im Hemd Steamed chocolate pudding with almonds or walnuts, served with chocolate sauce and topped with whipped cream
Mürbteig Short-crust pastry
Nockerln Sweet dumplings (eg the much over-rated Salzburger Nockerln)
Nusstorte A cake with nutty and creamy layers 
Palatschinke Pancake
Plundergebäck Pastry made with puff pastry
Sachertorte Most famous Viennese chocolate cake, with apricot jam under the chocolate icing.  The supposedly authentic version with a secret recipe comes from the Hotel Sacher, who sued the Konditorei Demel in the 1980s over the right to use the term 'Sachertorte' (and lost), and many people feel that the Hotel Sacher no longer makes the best one
Schokolade Chocolate
Scheiterhaufen A pudding somewhat like bread and butter pudding with apples, made with bread, raisins, apple, almonds, cinnamon and rum, baked in the oven
Schwarwalder Kirschtorte Black Forest Gateau
Stollen A heavy German cake with fruit, made for Christmas
Topfen Curd cheese, usually used in sweet dishes
Topfenkolatsche Curd cheese square pastry, with corners folded over
Topfenstrudel Curd cheese strudel (can be served hot or cold)
Topfentorte A creamy, light cheesecake made from curd cheese
Torte Cake
Vanillepudding, Vanillesauce
Vanilla custard
Vanille Vanilla
Zwetschkenknödel Plum dumpling, usually served with fried breadcrumbs and icing sugar

Nuts and raisins
Datteln Dates
Erdnuß Peanut
Haselnuß Hazelnut
Kastanien Chestnuts
Kokosnuß Coconut
Mandeln Almonds
Maroni Chestnuts
Nuß Nut
Rosinen Raisins
Walnuß Walnut

Obst Fruit
Ananas Pineapple
Anis Aniseed
Apfel Apple
Apfelsaft Apple juice
Apfelsine Silly German word for Orange
Birne Pear
Brombeere Blackberry
Erdbeere Strawberry
Feige Fig
Gelee Jelly
Heidelbeere Blueberry
Himbeere Raspberry
Holunder Elder
Johannisbeere Blackcurrant
Kirsche Cherries
Kompott Stewed fruit
Marille Apricot
Marmelade Jam (all types, not just marmalade)
Mohn Poppy seed
Obst Fruit
Orange Orange
Orangensaft Orange juice
Pfirsich Peach
Pflaume Plum (more general word than Zwetschke, but not often used in Austria)
Powidl Czech-style bitter plum jam
Preiselbeere Cranberry
Rhabarber Rhubarb
Ribisel Redcurrant
Saft Juice
Trauben Grapes
Vogelbeere Rowanberry
Weichsel Morello (sour) cherry
Zitrone Lemon
Zwetschke Plum (specifically the prunus domesticus type of plum)

Herbs & spices
Basilikum Basil
Gelbwurz Turmeric
Gewürze Spices
Ingwer Ginger
Kraüter Herbs
Kren Horseradish
Kreuzkümmel Cumin
Kümmel Caraway seed
Majoran Marjoram
Meerrettich German word for Kren
Minze Mint
Muskat Nutmeg
Nelken Cloves
Petersilie Parsley
Pfeffer Pepper
Rosmarin Rosemary
Safran Saffron
Salbei Sage
Salz Salt
Schnittlauch Chives
Senf Mustard
Thymian Thyme
Wacholderbeeren Juniper berries
Zimt Cinnamon

Einspänner Black coffee with whipped cream on top
Ein großer brauner Large white coffee
Ein großer schwarzer Large black coffee
Kaffee Coffee
Ein kleiner brauner Small white coffee
Ein kleiner schwarzer Small black coffee
Melange Similar to cappuccino
Mocca Black coffee (=schwarzer)
Verlängerter Espresso diluted with extra water, i.e. Americano (white or black)

Tee Tea
Grüner Tee Green tea
Hagebuttentee Rose hip tea
Kamillentee Camomile tea
Pfefferminztee Peppermint tea
Schwarzer Tee Black tea

Bier Beer
Bockbier A strong type of beer with high alcohol content
Egger A beer from Vorarlberg
Ein großes Bier A large beer (50cl) (=Seidl)
Ein kleines Bier A small beer (30cl ) (=Krügerl)
Fassbier Draft beer
Gold Fassl (Ottakringer) A high quality beer from Vienna's Ottakringer brewery
Gösser One of the most famous Austrian breweries, in Leoben in Styria (with a classic advertising slogan: "gut, besser, Gösser")
Grieskirchner Brewery from Upper Austria specialising in Weißbiers
Hadmar Bio-bier An organic high quality beer from the private Weitra brewery in northern Lower Austria, near to and owned by the Zwettler brewery
Hefeweizenbier (= Weißbier, Weizenbier, see Weißbier)
Hirter A small private brewery from Carinthia
Hofstettner Austria’s oldest brewery, founded in 1229 in Upper Austria
Kaiser A common beer made by the Wieselburger brewery in Lower Austria
Kapsreiter A good quality brewery in Schärding in Lower Austria, near the German border, now owned by Ottakringer 
Kellerbier see Zwicklbier
Krügerl Large beer (50cl)
Märzenbier A common style of lager of medium to full body, with Bavarian origins, usually a relatively cheap variety within a range of beer types
Naturtrüb (Referring to beer or apple juice) unfiltered and therefore cloudy
Ottakringer Large brewery from Vienna
Pilsener Pils
Pfiff Very small beer (20cl), usually served with a snack
Puntigamer Brewery from Graz, founded in the 15th century
Radler Shandy
Schwechater Brewery from Schwechat near Vienna’s airport, founded in the 16th century, now owned by Heineken
Seidl Small beer (30cl)
Stiegl Well known Salzburg brewery, in operation since 1492
Trumer A small private brewery in Obertrum near Salzburg, best known for its Trumer Pils.  Since 2004 it (rather oddly) also brews in Berkeley, California for the Bay Area market
Weißbier A beer brewed with a considerable amount of wheat, generally around 50% (as well as malted barley).  Cloudy with a distinctly yeasty flavour and a high level of carbonation (=Weizenbier, Hefeweizenbier)
Weizenbier see Weißbier
Wieselburger From the lower Austrian town of Wieselburg.  Kaiser is the better known brand from the same brewery
Zipfer A brewery from Upper Austria
Zwettler Small brewery from the town of Zwettl in lower Austria
Zwickelbier Unfiltered, unpasteurised, “naturtrüb” beer, which is therefore cloudy with traces of yeast in, giving it a somewhat yeasty flavour (Weizenbier) (=Kellerbier)

Achtel 1/8 l (of wine)
Blauer Burgunder Pinot Noir (red wine grape variety)
Blauer Portugieser Red wine grape variety, grown in moderate quantities in Austria and central Europe
Blaufränkisch One of the most common red wine varieties produced in Austria
Gelber Muskateller Muscat blanc (white wine grape variety)
Grauburgunder Pinot grigio (white wine grape variety)
Grüner Veltliner The classic Austrian white wine grape variety, producing mostly light wines, but generally of quite high quality, the most common wine type in Austria
Junker Young light wine from Styria, similar in concept to Beaujolais nouveau, but usually a white cuvée
Riesling White wine grape variety, usually in Austria a dry wine, unlike the (in England) more familiar sweeter German types
Rotwein Red wine
Spätburgunder Pinot Noir (red wine grape variety)
St Laurent A red wine grape, related to the Pinot family
Sturm Half-fermented grape juice becoming wine, available only in the autumn, slightly fizzy, varies in alcohol content depending on how far the fermentation has gone
Sylvaner (or grüner Sylvaner)
White wine grape variety
Viertel 1/4 l (of wine)
Wein Wine
Weißburgunder Pinot blanc (white wine grape variety)
Weißwein White wine
Welschriesling White wine grape variety, grown mainly in Austria and central Europe, unrelated to (German) Riesling
Zweigelt A (relatively) modern red wine grape variety, developed in Austria in the early 20th century, combining the (lighter) blaufränkisch grape with the (heavier) St Laurent, and named after its inventor, Friedrich Zweigelt

Other drinks
Almdudler Herb flavoured lemonade, only available in Austria
Apfelsaft Apple juice
Apfelsaft gespritzt Apple juice mixed with carbonated mineral water (=Obi gespritzt)
Barack A type of Hungarian Marillenbrand (apricot schnapps)
Birnenbrand Pear schnapps
Marillenbrand Apricot schnapps
Most Half-fermented apple juice (like Sturm, see below, only from apples), available only in the autumn, slightly fizzy, varies in alcohol content depending on how far the fermentation has gone
Naturtrüb (Referring to beer or apple juice) unfiltered and therefore cloudy
Obi gespritzt Apple juice mixed with carbonated mineral water (=Apfelsaft gespritzt)
Orangensaft Orange juice
Saft Juice - preceded by appropriate word for the fruit
Weinbrand Brandy
Zwetschkenbrand Plum schnapps

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